Kao 11 years old. He is studying in Primary Level, Grade 5, in Ban Khlong Wa School in Sakaew Province. His father is sick from hepatitis so he could not work and it took him many years in medication. His mother could not leave home for work as she had to take care of his father. When his mother was burdened with medical and other costs, his mother looked for job that she could work at home and look after her husband. His mother finally gained supplemental income from cutting sticker sent from the factory.
But this small income could not afford the medication, and household expenditure, so Kao’s elder brother dropped out of school after completing lower secondary level (Matayom 3). He then had to find a job to gain income to ease his mother’s burden.
In February 2022, Kao’s father passed away from hepatitis. His mother and brother still worked hard to earn a living for the family and Kao’s education cost as well as pay debt as they had borrowed some money to pay his father’s medication.
COERR Aranyaprathet then supported the family-based egg production program by providing 20 hens and animal food to the boy. Egg production will give nutrient food to the family members, while some surplus eggs can be sold to earn income for the family.
Moreover, Kao will be accepted in the COERR Sponsorship Program for Poor Schoolchildren which will enable him to continue his study until he finishes the highest education he wishes.
